
 Chelsea T. Hicks’ work broadly engages the concept of rematriation—or in other words—reconnection to one’s matrilineal culture/s. She is currently at work on a poetry collection in her ancestral language of Wazhazhe ie called WALEZE / MARKINGS. This project is supported by a LIFT Award from the Native Arts & Cultures Foundation (NACF); excerpted poems were shown in the 2021-2022 Bookshelf Residency curated by Gato Negro and Phoneme Media at the Institute for Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and on the cover of the September/October 2023 issue of World Literature Today as well as in the magazine. She organized a November 2022 Indigenous language creative writing gathering called Words of the People with support from the Institute of American Indian Arts, NACF and an Interchange grant from the Mid-America Arts Alliance. Questions around cultural loss, reconnection, representation, stereotypes, gender, toxicity, healing, intergenerational trauma, ongoing colonization, land protection and language revitalization inform her literary writing.

visual poems

𐓏𐒰𐒿𐒷𐓒𐒷: waleze (markings)

The poetics of 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟 𐓣𐓟 𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 are rooted in the forms of our songs, prayers, and rituals. Tribal people are generating new written and visual forms coming from and emerging out of historic, ancestral, traditional and contemporary 𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟.

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 exist in our culture prior to 2006. Such forms are ancient as well as contemporary and include...

𐓣͘𐓲𐓟 𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 photo

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 painting

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 pattern

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 drawing

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 design

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟 markings

𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟𐓺𐓟: waleze (markings) is also the word for writing in Wahzhazhe ie, which became formally written in 2006, and was formerly oral.

I am one Osage artist creating visual and written poetic work in 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟 𐓣𐓟.

Selected Works


Desiccated Earth, 2023

Liggett Studios, installation

Fiber, oil, beads, sinew, acrylic

𐓰𐓘 𐓘𐓬𐓟

They Said

2D mixed media

Excerpt on cover of

WLT (‘23) & an ICALA

Bookshelf Residency (‘22)

For Sarah Ann Rogers, 2022

Fiber, ribbon, image, dance

with David Cyprian Hicks




Yellow House, 2023

Clothing, image, dance

wearing art by Wendy Ponca

TAF Residency 2022-2023



